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Journal 9

How Cells Make ATP

To solve the problem below, you must write a clear and convincing justification for accepting one of the possible answer choices as the best or most appropriate and for rejecting each of the other choices as less appropriate. Your reasons for rejecting choices are just as important as your reasons for choosing the best answer.
A biologist was experimenting with a corn plant that had previously incorporated radioactive carbon into starch stored in its cells. She measured the radioactivity present in the following compounds:

Sugar extracted from the plant
CO2 producd by the plant
Alcohol, if produced by the plant

If she assumed that only aerobic respiration was occuring, where would she predict radioactivity would be found?

CO2 only
CO2 and alcohol only
sugar and alcohol
sugar and CO2 only
sugar, CO2, and alcohol
A student designs an experiment to produce alcohol. He includes yeast cells, water, and glucose in excess, and maintains the experiment in constant darkness, excluding oxygen. For 2 weeks he notices an increase in yeast biomass (weight of yeast) and CO2 produced. After 4 weeks he observes a decrease in biomass and very little production of CO2. Glucose is still present. For which of the following conclusions is the evidence strongest?
The yeast cells have totally depleted their energy source.
Since ATP is formed during anaerobic respiration, this ATP has poisoned the yeast cells.
The yeast cells have begun to utilize the CO2 and water to carry out photosynthesis.
The alcohol produced has inhibited the growth of the yeast cells.
After 4 weeks, the cells switched to aerobic respiration.