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1 All accidents should be reported to the teacher immediately, no matter how minor.

2 Only those laboratory activities where instructions and permission have been given by the teachers should be performed.

3 Only materials and equipment authorized by the teacher should be used.

4 Written and verbal instructions shoul dbe followed carefully. All instructions given by the teacher should be closely followed.

5 Chemical goggles shoul dbe used when working in the laboratory and using chemicals. Safety goggles may be used in other science laboratories when chemicals are not being used.

6 Students should prepare for each laboratory activity by reading all instructions. Follow all directions carefully and intelligently. Make note of any deviations announced by your instructor.

7 No food, beverage, or smoking is permitted in any science laboratory.

8 Never taste, smell, or touch chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so.

9 Take great care in noting odors or fumes. Use a wafting motion of the hand. Never put a bottle to your nose and breathe deeply.

10 Hands should be washes thoroughly (15 seconds) with soap at the conclusion of each laboratory period.

11 Students should know the location of the emergency first aid, eye-wash, and fire fighting equipment.

12 Students should know the proper fire drill procedure and know where to get help fast.

13 Long sleeves shoul dbe rolled up above the wrist. Ties, coats, and sweaters should be removed. Long hair should be tied back during laboratory activity.

14 Student apparel should be appropriate for laboratory work. Long hanging necklaces, bulky jewlery, and excessive and bulky clothing should not be worn in the laboratory. Closed-toe shoes are a must.

15 Work areas should be kept clean and tidy.

Students should always clean and wipe dry all desks, tables, or laboratory work areas, at the conclusion of each laboratory activity as part of good housekeeping practices.

17 Broken glass shoul dbe removed from work areas and the floor as soon as possible. Never handle broken glass with your bare hands. Broken glass should be placed (using proper techniques) in the labeled shaprs box.

18 All solid waste should be placed in separate waste containers, jars or other designated receptacles. Do not discard any solids in the laboratory sinks.

19 Do not bring any substance into contact with a flame unless specifically instructed to do so.

20 Only laboratory manuals and laboratory notebooks are permitted in the working area. Other books, purses, book bags, and such items shoul dbe placed in your desk, locker, or storage area.

21 Students are not permitted in laboratory storage or supply rooms or teachers workrooms unless directly instructed to do so.

22 Upon first entering the laboratory, students are not permitted to touch laboratory equipment until directed to do so.

23 Always twist, never push glass tubing into stopper holes. Lubricate stopper holes and glass tubing with glycerin to insert easily. Always use glass tubing with fire polished ends.

24 Never pour water into acid. Correctly dilute acid by pouring it into water.

25 Direct viewing of the sun, infrared, ultraviolet light or lase sources should be avoided at all times.

26 Never allow the open end of a heated test tube to be pointed toward anyone.

27 Horseplay, running, pushing, shoving, and practical jokes will not be tolerated.

28 Only authorized laboratory activities should be attempted at home.

29 Students should never touch or handle laboratory animals without permission from the teacher.

30 Students should conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times in a laboratory situation.